Hitachi Inspire The Next

We understand the challenges of how customers now demand to reach you anytime, anywhere and on their preferred channel and even in multiple languages

Hitachi Inspire The Next

We understand the challenges of how customers now demand to reach you anytime, anywhere and on their preferred channel and even in multiple languages.

At Enghouse Interactive, we help utility companies so their customers can connect at any time to engage & simplify communications and even be able to resolve their own issues.

We deliver a multichannel cloud contact centre solution to thousands of customers and have just received a case study from Hitachi Energy.

Some of the benefits highlighted in this case study include:

  • Single global solution enabling seamless collaboration and support
  • Improved customer support through ability to answer interactions in local language
  • Greater efficiency by sharing resources across locations and via automated chat translation
  • Platform for future innovation around new technologies such as AI

Click here for your copy if your organisation is facing similar challenges.


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